Celebrating five years of the podcast

I am going to be revisiting and updating episodes as a celebration and a thank-you for all of your attention over these five years, and as a way of looking back over these 81 episodes so far (as of the next House of Leaves episode). On the docket:
* an update of episode 1: Poe and Carla and Cupcakes; Nicetameetcha—an updated introduction to me and the podcast
* a continuation of episodes 3 and 4: Ghoulies and Ghosties and Long-Legged Beasties…, …And Things That Go Bump in the Night—yes, my house is still haunted, and interesting stuff has been occurring. My parents’ home is apparently also haunted.
* a follow-up to episode 6: Let’s Go to the Movies—more awesome books made into films
* a third Boo Without Goo: Scary Movies for the Squeamish (the first two are episodes 10 and 74)