Commonplace Book: Leonard Cohen
Came up in my Facebook memories today, so I thought I would elaborate and update.
Thank you, Leonard.
Swim through the blood, Father of mercy
Broadcast your light through the apple of pain
Reading bucket list: Leonard Cohen bucket list, poems & novels. Illustrations inspired by the melding of Scripture and sexuality in his writing. When I have read them all, the altar candles could burn down the olive tree and grapevines. Freudian on my part?

All of the quotes in the greenery are from his lyrics and poetry:
Radical one, sourceless source of light
In places deep with roots entwined I will live the lives I left behind
You share one body with the serpent you forbid and the love that you allow
Updated list of books read:
- Let Us Compare Mythologies (Post and review in which I read “Prayer for Messiah”)
- Book of Longing
- The Flame
- Fifteen Poems
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Being GenX , I was introduced to Cohen by the movie Pump Up the Volume and its pirate radio station (“Everybody Knows”) and have been enthralled every since. However, I am certain that my hippie mom must have listened to him in my childhood, for his early songs like “Suzanne” and “So Long, Marianne” have a weird, earlier life feel to them for me.

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