Documentary Review: Amityville Horror House (2021)
4 stars–spoilers ahead for the documentary

Learned a lot watching this that I didn’t know, that points toward it being more true than untrue. The Lutzes fired that shady lawyer more quickly than reported. Other owners of the house privately told the reporter that has been involved all this time (Laura DiDio) that they have had experiences, they just wouldn’t go on record. George Lutz refused to ever re-enter the house, even with the news crew and the Warrens; if he was wanting attention, that was the time to seek it. The Lutzes disliked the exaggerations in the movie.
The original book The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson
The Night the Defeos Died: Reinvestigating the Amityville Murders by Ric Ocuna
The version of The Amityville Horror based upon paranormal investigator Hans Holzer’s work
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