Dollopween 13: Thinking Sideways: Gloomy Sunday

Podcast and Podcasters: We return to Thinking Sideways and Devin, Joe, and Steve: Episode: Gloomy Sunday
In 1933, Hungarian pianist Rezső Seress composed a song titled Gloomy Sunday, but is now known as the Hungarian Suicide Song due to the reportedly high number of people who commit suicide while listening to it.
Why I chose it: What a delicious urban legend, and what a delightfully eerie idea. The added frisson of do you listen to it…?
Recommended reading: More fun with dangerous media…
- Ring * Koji Suzuki / Ringu / The Ring
- Ancient Images * Ramsey Campbell
- and the movie about Gloomy Sunday and its soundtrack
And don’t forget to listen, if you dare…
Artie Shaw feat. Pauline Byrne
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