Dollopween 31: Happy Halloween: This American Life

Podcast and Podcaster: This American Life, Ira Levin, Episode 199: The House on Loon Lake
199: House on Loon Lake
NOV 16, 2001
Our entire show this week is one long story, sort of a real-life Hardy Boys mystery. More than most of our shows, this one lends itself to a Hollywood-style tagline. Perhaps: “You Might Break In…But You’ll Never Forget.” Or “Dead Letters Tell No Tales.”
Why I chose this one: I promised something special for tonight. This is the first episode I planned, and the only one I considered for Halloween. This is a golden oldie, the very first podcast episode to unnerve and thrill me. It first aired on November 16, 2001. 2001. It’s an unusual episode of TAL in that the entire thing is devoted to one story, and it is quite the story. Wait until the last trick-or-treater has ding-donged, dim the lights, settle down with the leftover (or hoarded, you do you, boo) candy, and enjoy this very special treat.
It’s archived, so you have to either purchase it at iTunes or Amazon, or stream it from the episode page. The episode page also has photographs, one of which is the featured image for this entry.
Additional sweets for your trick or treat bag:

I have copied over my reading of Annabel Lee from Soundcloud, so new visitors may either enjoy or scoff; either way, it will be fun, yes?
I have created archive lists for Dollopween 2016 and 2015, peruse with pleasure.
And thank you, as everyday, for playing along with me. Happy Halloween.
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