Preorders are open!
“Christmas lights keep away the monsters. Everyone knows that. Along with porch lights.
The Victorians knew it when they mounted candles on their Christmas firs in their dim parlors. And Thomas Edison knew it when he created the first strand of electric lights, stringing them up and down Menlo Park to illuminate the Yule season of 1880. And the good citizens of the small town of Petitville, New York, most certainly know it, when they deck their inner and outer halls with both the teeny white fairy lights and the chunky red, blue and green bulbs of yore.”…
Here’s the order form at Antimony and Elder Lace Press: Yes, the authors get a generous portion of each sale. This is an author-friendly press. You can choose .pdf .or .epub format.
I am so proud of my first publication. First of many is my plan, health be damned. Speaking of which, I am finally better (I had Covid for nearly a month, then something opportunistic post-Covid.) so podcasting shall resume. Very excited about that!
Thank you for your support! Hope you enjoy all of the stories.

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