I have set up a Broadcast of my favorite highlights in all my ebook reads on Readwise: The perfect companion to a book-based podcast. It’s only my favorites, so you won’t get a cascade of every single thing I bookmark for later, or accidentally highlight, etc. No one wants that. If nothing else, it’s another way to be nosy on the net, and we’re all into that, let’s face it. We all want to know how everyone else lives. Might as well find some good books to read while doing it. Elevated snooping.
Please let me know if you have done the same, so I can follow you! I love the bookish life: things found in books, how people choose to annotate (I’m using my Sharpie pencil right now, but I don’t think they make them anymore, I cannot believe it is still working. I shall have to look through my beloved Jet Pens’ guides for a new friend when it finally dies. Seriously they have a guide for everything.)
How I read ebooks: I use an iPad mini (named Giles, for the Buffy the Vampire librarian, to whom I have been compared), and that way I can use whatever service I choose (B&N, Apple, Kindle, etc.) and all my bookish apps are together (The Story Graph, Litsy, Readwise, etc.). The iPad mini is adaptive technology for me because it is small and lightweight for my aching hands and hyperextending fingers, and I can freestand it if I have to…and I can even use voice commands and all the other assistive setups that come with Apple should my needs call for them. It’s a much nicer setup than a dedicated ebook reader for my particular health needs.
Right now, my Broadcast doesn’t have a feed. I’m going to request that as a feature, so it can be tucked away and accessed whenever as such.
Delightfully, when I checked it to see what my Broadcast looked like on the web, this is one of the quotes that popped up:
You must learn, he told me quite firmly that day sitting cross-legged in front of me, to stop confusing sex with morality. Sex is an animal act like eating and sleeping. It is only we, the human race, who have ritualized it, glorified it, and tabooed it. It really is as simple as that, he said. He got up, and with his half-risen penis preceding him, he went to his bookshelf. And that is how the books began to pile up around the bed.
Miss Timmins' School for Girls, by Nayana Currimbhoy
And…that’s how my mind works, folks. I just love that final sentence, after that guy lays that line on her, and then uses the written word to seduce her…that final sentence is so perfect. It has a nice punch. Welcome, new listeners and readers!

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