Episode 7: Big Star in a Small Town

Against the Peace and Dignity of the Commonwealth, episode 1: the murder of Alison Parker and Adam Ward, and the attempted murder of Vicki Gardner, Smith Mountain Lake, Moneta, Virginia
Nothing gives a fearful man more courage than another’s fear.
― Umberto Eco, The Name of the Rose
This is the video I used to introduce you to Alison throughout the episode; now you can watch it and see how vibrant she was:
Another: WDBJ Remembers Alison Parker and Adam Ward–on this video you will get to briefly see and hear Adam’s reporting.
Here’s Highway 66’s map. Given its exit list, and the fact that he had more Glock magazines and disguises in his car, leads me to believe he was headed for Washington, D.C. For what specific purpose I do not know. I can guess.

Chris Hurst’s video for Alison, made when he returned to work–you heard the audio in the episode. He is wearing the tie she gave him for Valentine’s Day.
Confusion now hath made his masterpiece.
—Macbeth, William Shakespeare
podcast bookshelf at Goodreads, to which I’ve added Macbeth and The Name of the Rose, quoted in this episode; and added the suggested reading of The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker. No one is to blame for another’s violent actions, but de Becker’s refreshing message is to forgo social niceties, politeness, all we’ve been taught in order to keep the peace. We do not have to be kind if we are uncomfortable, we do not have to let the creepy guy at work slide because maybe we’re too sensitive, we do not need to let the “helpful” stranger assist us if we don’t need help. Again, the person at fault here is the shooter, period. But I am a survivor of violent crime myself, and this book was as refreshing to me as a splash of cold water on my face–I am an introverted, shy person who was a people-pleaser. No more pleasing in iffy situations.
The post Episode 7: Big Star in a Small Town first appeared on There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast.
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