Guess where I went today?

No actual glitter was harmed in the taking of this photo.

I can drink occasionally, but I didn’t trust my immune system today after having several appointments and tests performed this week, so I went with the nonalcoholic “Angel’s Eyes”. It was tremendous. Nothing was going to ruin this, including POTS.

I have no idea why I look like I have no eyes. But Mom looks so cute and excited, so I have to post it.
That pink thing hanging off my purse…that’s vindication from my childhood. I could never find anything personalized. Keychains, cups, pencils, anything they had in a store. Mom said it would really make me sad. I remember this feeling like I didn’t quite exist in this weird way. (“You can’t sit with us.”) It’s not that I wanted the trinkets, it’s that I wanted to see me reflected back at me. There were no Carlas in books at that time, none in movies or on tv, and none in stores.
So. I found someone on Etsy making personalized Barbie keychains. And I gave my inner child a little treat and a so-there all at once. So swinging from my otherwise dignified bag is:

And thank you, Stephen King, for all the random, background Carlas. I see you.
Back to Taylor. The concert film is beyond amazing. She had so much fun the entire time, she loves her fans, and she loves her bandmates and dancers and singers. And this was filmed and edited from perfect angles. It is a joy to watch someone joyfully do something. We need more of that ‘round here.
Do I have swag? Trinkets ahoy for my inner child, ‘cause sometimes yeah I do want them.

Yes, that is a Reputation snake keychain. 😁 And a glitter heart tattoo. And a mirrorball wineglass. Not pictured: the purple glow stick.
I really enjoyed all the younger girls enjoying it with us. One lady came in with six or seven second or third grade girls following her in a tight procession like ducklings. I know they must have lectured each other about “not messing this up for us, I mean it!” 💓
There was what sounded like a four-year-old girl behind us who asked very sensible questions as they arose, and I enjoyed them immensely:
“Why is there a snake there?”
“Is Taylor sad singing that song?”
“Is this a scary part?”
And I swear I heard “Is Taylor a Barbie?”
Shhh, baby girl. That one is a secret. We don’t talk about that one in the Real World. 👛👚🩷
Almost every girl dressed up to watch. Sequins and flowy Lover dresses. I even wore a skirt, as you can see. I almost wore a yellow peasant blouse with my skirt that looks exactly like her Folklore yellow witchcraft dress. If I had only known!
And everyone was so happy. Friendship bracelet land. Passed a lady on the way out who also had a mirrorball cup, and she stopped me so we could toast each other. 💓
Oh, and I turned Mom into a major Taylor Swift fan from a casual one.
I was so exhausted from three appointments this week—including the home evaluation for my power wheelchair vroom vroom which I shall have within 60 days!—and wonky flareups, but this concert film was a burst of glimmers. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers, and I need to be actively looking for them more often.
Now I am home, and exhausted again, “happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way. It's miserable and magical, oh yeah.” That’s chronic illness for you. Today, it sparkled. ✨
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