Matthew Perry
Chandler Bing was so much like friends of mine in high school and college that he is a comfort watch. Matthew Perry was 54 to my 51. I understood his mental health struggles deeply. It broke my heart to learn that he worried every week that he wouldn’t be funny, that no one liked him, when I still randomly use Chandler inflection to this day in my speech: “Could this BE any more ridiculous?” I understand that sensitivity, being autistic, worrying about something I said to someone else a while ago—should I explain? Apologize? Slink away into the night, never to be heard from again?
A chandler was someone who made candles or torches. I know now that Matthew can see he was one of the lights.

Check on your loved ones, and check on yourselves, please. If you are reading this, I love you, and I don’t want you to ever feel like you are taking up too much space or that you shouldn’t be doing the thing you love to do, your thing.
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