Horror in the Sims 4

I don’t believe in saving the best for last: Halloween cupcakes! (oh, yeah, and candy corn)
Celebrate Halloween single and toddler beds–the cutest horror-themed bedspreads and paint jobs
Pumpkin and Jack’o’lantern cookies
Horror posters–set of 14
Denton Episcopal Church from Rocky Horror Picture Show
the house from American Horror Story: Roanoke, 900 Sappony Road
a collection of classic horror movie posters
a collection of B-horror movie posters
a collection of horror movie posters in Simlish instead of English
Bloody fingers and arms (applied as a tattoo)
Framed painting of a werewolf transforming
Little Red Riding Hood adult costume
Ouija shirt for females with mesh sleeves
…and an Edgar Allan Poe shirt for your Sims! Modeled here by yours truly, my SelfSim.

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