21 Mar 2017 1 min read Newsletter There Might Be Cupcakes: Reason No. 3 Reason number three that I have called this podcast-to-be There Might Be Cupcakes: They allow mingling, because they are more finger food than plate food, like cake. Think back to your last shower or reception. Cake is served, and everyone sits down or perches somewhere and fills their…well…cakehole. A cupcake fits in your palm, your water or cocktail nestles in the other, and you can talk to that friend you haven’t seen in forever…or to that new friendly face. Writing for #thedolloppodcast website I have made so many friends; I plan to make many more with my very own podcast. Yes, I’m looking at you. #thedollopdotnet #thedollop #podcast #podcastpreparation #theremightbecupcakes #carla #carlahufstedler #cupcakes #comingsoon #podcasts #newpodcast #newpodcasts #sharing #storytelling #comingsoon2017 #preparationA post shared by Carla Hufstedler (@theremightbecupcakes) on Mar 21, 2017 at 3:20pm PDT
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