Movie Review: Graveyard Shift (1990)

Letterboxd review: 3 1/2 stars
David v. Goliath, right down to the slingshot. Not that that’s a bad thing.
Trigger warning: animal cruelty
Fun movie details: King’s alter ego Richard Bachman owns the mill. A man in the diner is reading the novelization for the rat movie Ben.
Brad Dourif is a horror treasure. I wish Kelly Wolf had been in more movies. It took me until halfway through to realize I know her from the After School Special Cindy Eller. She was delightful in it.
This is in King’s vampire cycle and his fear of machinery cycle.
As far as his monsters go, he understands that people are always worse, and it shows here. Monsters just do what they do: they eat, they go after prey to do so, they defend their turf. People are low and mean for often no reason. King gets that, and can describe that, like no other.
Did I mention Dourif plays a crazed exterminator? Brad Dourif.
source of the short story: Stephen King’s Night Shift

Stephen King’s Graveyard Shift 25 Years Later

The post Movie Review: Graveyard Shift (1990) first appeared on There Might Be Cupcakes Podcast.
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