Upcoming House of Leaves series

I had misplaced my copy of Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves. I recently found it…and it’s fat with torn-up legal pad papers, marking pages. Which got me thinking…
So. Intermingled with other episodes on other topics, for the rest of this year I am going to do a deep-dive on this book and its accompanying album, Haunted, by Mark’s sister, Poe. There will be geeky horror analysis and reaction podcasting. I’ll podcast as I go, and do psychology/horror/history/parapsychology/physics geek-dives like I did with Stephen King‘s Eclipse series (Episode 19; website entry). I’ll schedule out my reading and the episodes so that this doesn’t become the House of Leaves show, so that there are plenty of other topics in-between. I’ll hopefully have some horror author friends on as well to discuss this book/phenomenon.
I hope this sounds fun to you! I’m pretty jazzed to re-enter the Navidson house.
House of Leaves: https://bookshop.org/a/6560/9780375703768
Companion book: The Whalestoe Letters: https://bookshop.org/a/6560/9780375714412
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