Movie Review: Midnight Mass (2021)
Letterboxd link: 5 stars
Moral: Be careful whom you allow to get between yourself and God.
People who need to control everything and always be involved terrify me. I know someone like Bev, and she is actually a church person.
I love the metaphor of “Crock Pot” Island; a crock pot is a device in which you add ingredients and allow to simmer over time. You wait for your result, with patience, and let it work.
I also love the usage of St. Patrick, for he drove the snakes (so sayeth the myth) out of Ireland, which is an island. Snakes are a metaphor for people who are not what they seem, also for demons. And then…
Proverbs 23: 31-33:
Do not gaze at wine while it is red, when it sparkles in the cup and goes down smoothly. In the end it bites like a snake and stings like a viper. Your eyes will see strange things, and your mind will utter perversities.…
I am so impressed with the Biblical scholarship that went into this production.
As someone with CPTSD, I applaud the depiction of PTSD in Midnight Mass. Outstanding.
The Neil Diamond album played by Riley’s dad is his 12 Greatest Hits (Spotify, Apple Music); it played all the time in our car when I was a kid, on 8-track. Yep, we had an 8-track player in our car. It, as they say, slaps. I had forgotten how much religion is in his music, which is silly of me, because this is the man who remade The Jazz Singer as an exploration of a Jewish youth coming of age and straddling the two worlds of the secular music industry and his faith.
The soundtrack is fabulous. I knew most of the hymns, background and actively sung, from being an Episcopalian, growing up in a church as small as St. Patrick’s, and from listening to my great-grandmother and great-grandfather sing as they puttered in the house and the garden. Note: you always know the Episcopalian because we are the only ones to know the fifth and sixth verses of the hymns and Christmas carols.

Dread Central: The Unholy Transcendence of Midnight Mass and St. Maud
Midnight Mass at Rotten Tomatoes
Don’t look it up on Wikipedia; its page is replete with spoilers.
Midnight Mass: How The Book Connects To 2 Mike Flanagan Movies (Hush and Gerald’s Game)

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